Founded in 2004 under the corporate philosophy that considers "family health in everyday life for a healthy lifestyle" Bogoshinyak Co., Ltd. has never stopped in its ceaseless efforts to develop health products.
- 2025~2022
- 2021~2016
- 2015~2010
- 2009~2004

- 12
2 million dollars in exports
- 09
Live broadcasting operation in earnest
- 08
New Live Broadcasting Management Team
- 07
Selection of Chungnam Star Enterprise Promotion Project in 2024
- 06
2024 Select autonomous export-based utilization support project
- 03
Selected as the "2024 Joint Technology Development Project" by the Korea Food Industry Cluster Promotion Agency
- 12
1 million 'Export's Top' Award
- 11
Live shopping at the official mall, "bogoon"
- 09
BOGO SHNYAK Exhibition Store Opens
- 06
Selected as a2023 star company in the Chungnam region
- 04
Nonsan Plant GMP Approves HACCP Registration
- 02
Change CM song
Healthy courage world's first eco-courage patent registration
- 01
Won the "Superior Taste Award." at the International Taste Institute
R&D research project of the Small and Medium Business Administration of Star Enterprises (Successful water acceptance and successful commercialization of Uru-liquid)
- 12
1 million dollars in exports
- 11
Successful water dissolution of 2 insoluble milk thistle types
- 10
Appearing on a TV show in Vietnam
- 01
Certified as the Innobiz Venture Company
- 11
Exported the Hangover Pill to Laos
- 10
Exported the IRISE hangover drink to Australia
- 06
Exported the SOS hangover drink to Ireland
- 01
Exported the hangover drinks to the United States
- 11
Exported the Boomerang hangover drink to the United Kingdom
- 10
Selected as the business to receive the high growth capability strengthening program for two consecutive years
- 09
Exported Vita C Gold 1000 to China
- 08
Exported the Dr. Hangover drink to Poland Obtained the U.S. FDA approval for export products to Vietnam (Growth-promoting drinks for kids)
- 12
Relocated the head office (Munjeong Stn. Tera Tower Building B #1204, 167, Songpa-daero, Songpa-gu, Seoul)
- 10
Selected as the business to receive the high growth capability strengthening program for two consecutive years Completed the GMP certification
- 09
Exported the Morning Recovery hangover drink to the United States
- 11
Recognized as a company research center
- 10
Obtained an approval for manufacturing health functional foods
- 07
Designated as a promising small business in the Chungman region
- 06
Designated as a promising export small business
- 05
Participated in the SIAL CHINA 2014
- 04
Selected as the business to receive the program for strengthening export capabilities
- 10
Won the Mayor of Seoul Award by the Seoul Council on Social Welfare
- 09
Concluded an export contract with China for functional drinks (9 items)
- 05
Selected as the company to receive value evaluation for patent technology by the Korea Invention Promotion Association
- 04
Selected as an export company by the Small & Medium Business Corporation
- 01
Exported products to Laos (Hangover drinks)
- 10
Patent registration (No. 10-1189762)
- 06
Exported ginseng products to Hong Kong/China
- 03
Exported products to Mongolia (Calcium/red ginseng products)
- 02
Patent registration (No. 10-1124368)
- 01
Nonsan factory as a pharmaceutical company / ODM, OEM production
- 10
Patent registration (No. 10-1012612)
- 05
Patent registration (No. 10-1035094)
- 01
Patent registration (No. 10-1077533)
- 11
Established Nonsan factory (Specialized production of bottle products 100,000 bottles/1 day)
- 08
Established the central research center
- 07
Established the central research center
- 12
Relocated the head office (Hanmaeul Building #501, 191-12, Bangi-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul)
- 09
stablished the Daejeon factory (Daeduk Special Zone)
- 06
Certified as the Innobiz Venture Company